Types of Scanner
At the university we have three types of scanner. We have flat bed scanner, a drum scanner and a imacon scanner. Flat Bed - 'Epson V750 Pro' The flat bed scanner is reasonably easy to use. The top half of the scanner is what scans the film. It can scan 35mm, medium format, 5x4 and 10x8 film reflective and transparency scanning Quality of scan for 5x4 is near enough the same as the imacon, but not as good for 35mm and medium format Has a CCD sensor (Charged Couple Device) that interprets the colour based on the sensor chip. This should be calibrated for the best scan. The scanner sensor make a pass over / under a fixed object and contains mirrors and/or lenses to reflect the beam to the analogue/digital converter. The optical path of the sensor is impure and a degree of interpretation is made by the sensor. The optical path is more of a criss cross action rather than straight down. has anti newton rings glass - the pro version such as this has better glass (only ...